Your Body is a Temple

The Lord is saying it’s time to see our bodies as He made them, as they actually are—the temple of God, His sacred dwelling.

Here is what I hear Him saying:

I say to you, My Adored, Beloved One, You are Mine. You came from the Womb of Light, My Heart. That is where you were first conceived. Light from Light, Breath from Breath, Life from Life. Today I want to speak to you as you really are, so you can return to that place. I want to speak to you as I designed you when I thought you into existence in the Womb of My Imagination.

Today, I am speaking of your body. You see, you MUST see, I love your body.

Light from Light, made of the frequencies of pure rainbow color that move and constitute My Heart, My Gold Glory, THIS is where your body came from.

Your very existence a woven tapestry of threads of love frequencies, pulsing eternally from my heart, each overlapping thread a spoken word, “I love you” and “you are Mine”, ever flowing from My Mind.

Your body, your unique design, skin upon bones, bones upon cells, cells upon breath, all came and come and will come from My Mind.

Now I want to tell you, Beloved, that I want your body back, back with Me, back restored to Me, back in agreement with its original design.

You see, I love your body. I love your skin, your hair, your eyes, your heart and lungs, your liver. I love your thighs and toes and bowels, I love your brain and all its pathways, I love your hands and feet and hidden parts, those places I designed for intimacy, hidden and kept private for their value is a treasure far beyond human words. Their hiddenness is not because they are shameful, but rather so they will not be shamed by any who desire to steal their treasure for personal gain. Your body is GOOD because I made it, it is My Beautiful Design.

Why, Beloved, do you resist this knowing, why do you reject it?

I know in your mother’s womb the iniquities of darkness and shame, against your body they raged and for some even maimed. They tore and cursed at you from these wombs of broken cisterns, before you even came.

Once you came, many took and used and broke and spoke pain over your body, heaping more shame upon shame. They rage against the temple I made because they want to defile the place where my glory was hand-knit to stay.

Then there was the lie of religion, a dirty rat creature masked in deceptively white robes. He spoke in false authority over you and in your ear daily that your body is evil and should as such be shamed. His favorite line was, hate your body, it’s the enemy.

To some this lie and the dirty fingerprints of iniquity’s rights came the desire to hide, to be unseen and invisible. To feel most uncomfortable in their very own skin, to cut and condemn their own wrists and existence, believing their whole purpose is to be used up and appease the needs of others.

To others came the voice of lust and his pack of spirits called friends. Their voices and thoughts becoming familiar, to make men believe and women deceived into thinking their voices are their very own. They said,

Let’s use this shame and darkness to cause them to worship their own bodies, denying themselves no desire or perverse thought. All we need is their will and agreement—their slavery to self-fulfillment and indulgence. They’ll think they ‘deserve’ this and be engulfed in the lie that they're serving themselves while truly in absolute chains. Let’s plant the seed idea in their brains that they have the ‘right’ and ‘need’ to use others up. They have the ‘need’ to consume things to their dregs, defiling them just as they themselves have been defiled in the name of ‘self-love’. What a success for the kingdom of darkness, to get these millions to exchange their glory capacity for an idea of self as god, while becoming the most enslaved of all men.

Hear my voice now Beloved, as you hear the thundering authority of Heaven speak SILENCE! to these lies of pride and shame:

Is anything evil that I call GOOD? Can anything I make in the Mind of Heaven be evil?

Pause here, and wait.

Answer, answer with Me, NO it cannot! While vessels can be given over to the evil they serve and filled with darkness where glory was meant to dwell, it is by the WILL that a vessel, a temple, decides whom they believe, kick out or let abide. Let your WILL be towards Me, and give Me permission to ride in with My glory, into your temple, your body, removing the spirits and entities of darkness, the familiar lies you thought were your own. Say, ‘Lord, you have my permission to take out the slavery of bitterness, lust and gluttony and dethrone these iniquitous kings. You have my YES to heal and cleanse my temple, to pour out golden oil of light into every crevice of my eyes and heart—any bodily scars. I invite you Adonai to kick down the doors and tear off the chains, to remove the soiled garments and word cursed paper crowns. I want to be restored and made back into the temple of glory where You alone reside. No matter how long the process of healing each layer and rooting out lingering grime, keep pouring your living water, applying your blood and pouring fountains of oil til it’s done. Til You alone ABIDE.

I hear the cry of your heart that grieves this reality check,

If it’s so GOOD and you love my body, why do I hate it? why did they TAKE it—they took and took and they took, they grabbed and touched and bruised it. They USED it. The blood on their hands has stained my skin and seeped into every pore, finding a territorial stamp of shame and self-hatred on this frail heart of mine. I’ve tried to hide it, to cover it up. I’ve tried to walk invisible. I’ve tried to shut it up and cut it away with painful instruments meant to soothe, to remove these tattoos of their stains. Then I decided to TAKE, TAKE, TAKE and USE up to get back some love—some pittance for my pain.

And so the used up and pained became the shaking ones who hide in self-hatred or else became the users of people and useless things.

That love you seek is Me in You, My glory and presence indwelling.

Your heart’s cry is a song of return, and it’s singing you back to original design.

You see, I am a Giver. Not a Taker like them. What they’ve taken from your body, your vessel, I alone can restore. I will restore it for I have redeemed it with My own body. I have paid the redemption price, all that is needed is a YES and surrender by WILL to be poured out like fragrance at the foot of this cross, so your body can be healed and made new. I will restore it, redeem it and lay its foundations anew in stones of beauty right here in this Womb of Light. A rebirth of your body to its original glory,



in your return to My heart.

I see you Beloved, My heart hasn’t changed. But my Call is urgent. I am coming for My Bride, all of her—including her body. Her body is precious to Me, and I am zealous for its purity—its readiness. Only those who allow Me to have them, cleanse them and prepare them will be honored to be My Bride.

You were designed by Me, your body specifically, to be My temple. The Holy place where I come to dwell and exist in My glory. Your body is My abode, My glory vessel—My inner tent where only those who love Me and are pure of heart, lips and hands can come in and have access to you, to Me in you.

This is MY design.

You see,


Time to bring your body, My body, back to Me. With all its bruises, splints and pain, come willingly lay on this altar, a cleansing fire of surrender to My love, My way. I LOVE your body, you see, and in this hour, it’s time, to bring it back to Me. Turn away from the users and abusers or those chains to insatiable thirst, lust and pride. Those things and powers you seek to use up to silence the pain— to gloss over the shame.

What I LOVE I will not shame, I will glorify and beautify it with My Presence. After all, I made the temple because I want to ABIDE. Will you be the temple of glory I designed you to be? Will you RETURN to Me?

This is MY DESIGN.

Say Yes to the return, and this is what your Maker will do in your body, His temple:

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet My unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the LORD, who has compassion on you. O afflicted one, storm-tossed and not comforted, behold, I will set your stones in antimony, and lay your foundations with sapphires. I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones. All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their peace. In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you. Isaiah 54:10-14


2025: Total Dependence


True Rest