A Heart Unoffended

The Lord has been speaking to me on the topic of purity for about a year now. He has taken me to deeper levels of understanding purity the more that I press in, and I'm daily asking Him to purify me so that there is nothing in my heart or mind that's in common with the devil. I tell Him,

Root it out of my very cells, Papa! Erase it from the DNA that composes me. I want it ALL out.

For I know from His Word,

Only the pure in heart shall see Him.

As He purifies layers in us, we are able to see more layers of His nature.

We can SEE GOD.

But, don't we want MORE of Him? For the depths of His nature are unsearchable.

I believe we will spend eternity uncovering His goodness.

So, if we ask for more, He'll surely take us on a journey of removing everything inside us that communes with the ideology of this world. Every and anything that gives Satan a landing pad in our souls or gives him a right to remain in us.

All of it.

It is here, on this journey, we discover that a pure heart is actually an unoffended heart.

All of us have been offended in this life, deeply wounded, and oftentimes have never received an apology from our offenders. Even still, the offenses come rolling in day by day.

So how do we keep an unoffended heart?

Is it really possible?

It may be one of the hardest levels of purity I have found to try and walk out. It really goes against everything in our souls to RELEASE offenses throughout the day, to forgive and RELEASE our debtors each night, and pray for God to bless those who curse and speak lies about us.

I can hear Satan's smoothly familiar voice saying like a confidential friend,

Katherine, you have the RIGHT to be offended.

And the trap is laid.

If we can in that moment lay down the right we have to be offended, the battle is won. It's a choice. Will we take the bait? Or will we lay down a lesser right for a greater glory?

In that moment of decision, we are able to go to deeper levels of communion with our Heavenly Father, the Only One who always speaks truth about us and the Only One who knows the healing we need to RECEIVE from the offenses we've just released.

We'll be able to see from His heights, released from the ball and chain of unforgiveness and set free to FLY.

Set free from being enslaved to the wound itself and constantly remaining at the level of our offender.

To forgive an offense, an unadmitted wrong committed against us, we have graduated to the next level of glory. Truly, I would rather see God than hold on to my right to remain offended.

A pure heart is a heart unoffended. This heart has given up a lower level right called "offense" for a higher level right to live in purity and freedom.

This heart has released the right to be bitter, clearing up cobwebbed space reserved for offenses and unattended pain, so that there is room enough to receive a BIGGER and TRUER vision of God and all the love He wants to pour in.

That'll be your heart and mine. The less space we've reserved for offense, the more space we'll have for the Love of our life to flow into us. They'll be LOTS of SPACE for LOTS of RECEIVING!

And nothing will get in the way or block that Love from flowing...

right back out of us.

John 14:30 The ruler of this dark world is coming, but he has no power over me, for he has nothing to use against me.

Matthew 5:8 The pure in heart shall see God.

Matthew 6:12-13 Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.


The Books Are Opening


A Weapon Called Intimacy