Enter in

I hear the Lord’s clarion call in this season for His people to enter in. He is saying,

“This is a season of entering in. I designed the winter season. Within its many treasures is the heavenly order and designated place of rest. The nights are longer, the time for rest and entering in are now. Don’t miss it. Relish the dark, cold winter nights as invitations for coming near, for being silent and still.”

There is a place in the quiet stillness of the night and early morning hours that He waits for you, encouraging you not to run from the dark stillness, but actually to press in further and be still longer. Long enough for stillness to be the only sound you hear and His steady breathing to reset you. Long enough to see nothing but darkness so He can show you what you’ve longed to peer into all these years. What is behind the veil.

Here is the prophetic release He spilled forth out of me, and I pray it blesses you into stillness. Into that place beyond the veil.

Enter in.

He’s waiting for you there. In that place behind the veil you’ve spent many years and nights eager yet unsure to press in for. Nervous but knowing there is no other place to press for. No other dark stillness that’s pure.

Enter in.

I see you walking into a darker place, where the noise has vanished and the silence is thick, heavy with peace and anticipation mixed. The candle in your hand becomes like a flickering dancer, brighter and bolder as you walk further, taking each pregnant step.

Enter in.

You know you’ve come to a place where others dare not go, and yet, there is no other path for you. This is what you’ve waited for. Were created for. This is your returning. To the beginning, where you started and yet equally to the end and summing of all things.

Enter in.

The darkness doesn’t bother you, although it’s the blackest night. Like a deep, silent winter night where the sound of breath and heartbeats are hushed by an even greater silence. The darkness doesn’t bewilder or scare because you know the darkness of this night leads to the destination of your heart and life.

Enter in.

He is there. Past the darkness and yet right in the midst of its darkest, quietest space. He is there waiting, He’s been waiting for you for all of time.

Enter in.

Press into the silent night. Let the silence get quieter, and the darkness more still. It’s in that place, that deep quiet moment that you’ll find Him waiting.

Enter in.

He’s waiting for you to come in, to return- to begin.

The fullness of all you desire, the place you become consumed and spill over in a thousand directions is here. In the presence of the One who was born, who birthed you and calls you to enter once again, the place of that silent night.

You’ve entered in.


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